New update in whatsapp || English Version

New update in whatsapp || English Version

Whatsapp has fired a new update !!!!!

As everyone knows that Whatsapp keeps us updated as much as possible, and it remains in this case that customers get good updates.
And the customer is also happy with Whatsapp, customers get what they want, and perhaps because whatsapp is the most popular app that is popular in the entire country.
So let's talk now that Whatsapp has given a new update which will give us the time to enjoy whatsapp ,

Whatsapp has updated the group call,
The update of the group call has just arrived in Apple's iPhone, but this update is coming soon in all the phones.

This group call update had to come, there was a lot of discussion before that but it was only rumor.

New update in whatsapp || English Version New update in whatsapp || English Version Reviewed by information cent on January 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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